
 Greetings, and Salutations!
    Welcome to the first post on my new blog! I just wanted to say hi and introduce myself and my newfound little book review blog.
    To start off, I just wanna say I know nothing about blogging whatsoever. So I apologize if this blog looks unorganized for a while until I can figure everything out, if you know how to run and/or organize a blog please let me know, I could definitely use the help.
    Next, let me introduce myself. I'm Dakota. I am your average, run-of-the-mill, broke, 21 year old college student and full time bibliophile, fangirl, and writer. I am a complete introvert who enjoys tea as much as Lorelai Gilmore loves coffee. I have an instagram account that I have been running for about 2 years now that you can follow @bookaholicforlife. I decided to start a blog to go with it because as a new years resolution to myself I wanted to start reviewing the books I read and I thought that a blog would be a better place for that rather than instagram. As of right now reviews will be of books already published that I've read. However, I am completely open to publishers sending me copies of books to review. If there's a book you would like me to read and review, feel free to email me at palacemadeofbooks@gmail.com or you can DM me on my instagram. I also may post fun little posts on here such as top 5 lists or anything else so leave suggestions as to what you would like to see on this blog. That's all from me for now!


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